Sonic.exe III

My name is Grace Morgan. Even though I'm a girl I've always had a love for boy things. One of these is video games. I'm the type of girl who would play her boyfriend in Mario Kart; and win. Besides that, my favorite game series of all time has to be Sonic. Sonic games have a special feel to it and I love it! Now five weeks ago a friend of mine named Craig Borgen died. He didn't have time to write his will because it was unexpected and he was only thirteen. Since his parents know how I love Sonic, they game me all his Sega game systems and all his Sonic games.
I couldn't pick which one to play first! But I saw one that had the words "SONIC.EXE" on the container. I never heard of this game. I popped it in my computer and started to play. It started out with the Sega logo for the very first game. But something was different...Sonic....his eyes... they were pure black and bleeding and there was a red dot in the middle of each. I was unnerved. Wait! Craig told me he already had every game and this one must be a hack! He always says that he would start his hacked game collection. That must be it. 
I was at the select screen and there were three characters, Sally, Silver, and Dr. Eggman. That's weird...Sally and Silver didn't exist back then and Robotnik would NEVER be playable in a classic game. Yep, it's defiantly hacked. 
I picked Silver and went to the first level. It was called "Betrayal". 
I went and it was on the green hill zone. I made Silver run and the level went by pretty fast. There were dead bodies of the animals...and Robotnik's robots alike. I was creeped out, whoever created this has a sick imagination. Then Silver saw Sonic. His eyes were the same as they were on the title screen. Sonic said "Tag! I'm it! Better run now, I'm very fast!" I made Silver run away as fast as I could but alas, Sonic slowly caught up and ripped Silver in half. The screen went black and Sonic then said "oops! Your to slow!". 
I was disturbed but my curiosity got the better of me and I continued. I was back on the character select screen. Silver was not there so I picked Robotnik. It started in his lab. But it was not the same...every thing was destroyed. Badniks littered the floor as I made Robotnik move. Sonic suddenly started chasing him. Robotnik ran away but Sonic eventually caught up and ripped his legs off. Blood splattered on the walls and Robotnik was barely clinging on to life. Sonic got gasoline and poured it on Robotnik and lit it on fire. Robotnik screamed a bloodcurdling scream and died. I was traumatized but just to finish the game, I picked Sally and hoped for the best, while expecting the worst. 
Sally started on an island, visibly scared out of her mind. I walked her through piles of dead animals until a cutscene happened. Sonic walked up, in its terrible form, and started to advance on Sally. Sally said "Sonic please don't do th-" she was cut off because Sonic had violently killed her. The game over screen appeared and I saw Sonic.exe's hideous face and all and he said "Thanks Grace! You've been a great playmate!" The computer crashed and the disk flew out. I, having enough of this game, threw it in my trash can and tried to start up my computer but it wouldn't work. I walked away to give the computer some time to cool off. I walked over to my window and saw a Sonic plush...and it had those eyes.